Are Couples Skipping the Garter and Bouquet Toss?

Why I think It’s ok to skip the garter and bouquet toss

By DJ Justin Warwick from DJ Enterprises Mobile Disc Jockey & Photo Booth

In recent years, some couples have chosen to skip the garter and bouquet toss traditions at their weddings. The reasons for this vary, but some couples feel that these traditions can be uncomfortable, tacky or outdated. I perform at a lot of weddings for older couples that might only have one friend that happens to be single. Instead of pointing them out by making them stand out on the dance floor, “you guessed it, no bouquet toss.” I see more than 70% of couples skipping the garter and keeping the bouquet toss on their program just for the photo op. Additionally, some couples prefer to create their own unique wedding traditions that better reflect their personalities and values.

A great alternative to the bouquet toss is the “Bouquet Dance or Anniversary Dance.” For this dance the DJ will invite out all of the married couples to join the newlyweds on the dance floor. After all of the couples have joined in. The DJ starts eliminating them. (Ask them to go to the edge of the dance floor.) By how long they have been married, less than 4 hours for example. “You guested it, the newlyweds.” Next will be one year, then two years, three, five, seven and keep going in five year increments until only one couple remains dancing. This is the perfect opportunity for the newlyweds to join them on the dance floor and present them with the bouquet. As the DJ, I will ask the couple how long they have been married, and the crowd gives them a much deserved applause.

Others have chosen to simply skip the formalities and allow their guests to enjoy the wedding reception without any planned activities.

In conclusion

Ultimately, the decision to include or skip certain wedding traditions is a personal one that should reflect the preferences and values of the couple.