Planning a Jewish Wedding Ceremony and Reception

By DJ Justin Warwick from DJ Enterprises Mobile Disc Jockey & Photo Booth

Planning a Jewish wedding ceremony and reception involves incorporating many traditions and customs that are meaningful to the couple and their families. Here are some key elements to consider when planning a Jewish wedding: (And a side note.) I always like it when the couple provides a program for their guests explaining these traditions.

The Ketubah

The Ketubah is a Jewish marriage contract that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the couple. It is often signed before the wedding ceremony by the couple, two witnesses, and the officiant. The Ketubah can be a beautiful work of art and is often displayed in the couple’s home.

The Chuppah

The Chuppah is a canopy that is used during the wedding ceremony to symbolize the couple’s new home. It is held up by four poles and is often decorated with flowers or other meaningful items. The bride and groom stand under the Chuppah during the ceremony.

The Kiddushin

The Kiddushin is the betrothal ceremony that takes place under the Chuppah. The bride and groom each drink from a cup of wine, and the groom recites a blessing.

The Seven Blessings

During the wedding ceremony, seven blessings are recited, symbolizing the couple’s new life together. These blessings are often recited by friends or family members.

Breaking the Glass

At the end of the ceremony, the groom breaks a glass with his foot. This is done to remember the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and to symbolize the fragility of life.

For the reception, traditional Jewish wedding customs include the Hora, a lively dance where the bride and groom are lifted in chairs, and the singing of Jewish folk songs. Additionally, traditional Jewish food such as challah bread, gefilte fish, and matzo ball soup can be served.

It’s important to work with a knowledgeable officiant, wedding planner, and DJ who can help guide you through the planning process and ensure that all of the necessary customs and traditions are included in your wedding.